Media Roundup!

Recently, I've had the great privilege to talk with some wonderful people about some wonderful things. Most of those things involved food, health, sustainable agriculture, the meaning of life, and in one case, Romero movies.

For your ease-of-Googling, I've gathered my recent media appearances right here. In case you have a long car ride or something.

More in the pipeline, to be added as they're published.

Which Way LA, on KCRW:

At The Dinner Table, with Chef Bert Dumas:

An article I wrote for The Good Men Project -- "A Dad Discovers the Secret to Pleasing the Picky Eaters -- and Getting Them to Eat!"

And, finally, here's a link to my Op-Ed that ran in the LA Times -- "If we're going to eat cattle, let them eat grass."


More to come...
